Marion Hamilton

Marion Hamilton


My 100 Day project was Doodling

I am a quilter but also like to try other creative arts and crafts

When I heard that  Aotearoa Quilters was having a 100 day challenge, I was immediately drawn to the idea especially as it didn’t need to be a quilting project.

I knew that I was going to be in Gisborne when the challenge started and away from my sewing room and stash, so a sewing project was not going to be practical.

As it happened I was away for longer than expected due to Covid-19  and I also returned to Gisborne several times during the year to help my daughter with her new baby.

Because I’d been to a couple of doodling classes, I decided that making a doodle art image on a small card each day would be manageable.

I had tried out book binding previously, so chose one of the books I’d made to mount the 100 cards in, which just fitted, one to each page. 

I did complete the project. Some days I painted several backgrounds as preparation and other days I missed, so had to catch up but on the whole I kept up and enjoyed taking time out to do my daily pieces. 

Some were more like sketches, but reflected what was happening at the time, as in the baby washing on the line, the stay at home house and the feijoas.

As preparation, I wrote a list of ideas that I might use. I still found I had to search for new ideas, then I’d find something new and do a series on that for example the leaves and the faces.

In no way do I consider myself an artist and seeing what others were doing on the Facebook page was at times intimidating but I put my images up anyway and was encouraged by others comments.

I moved into some mixed media at times using hand made paper, stencilling and Gelli printed images as background.

I would definitely do another 100 day challenge. I learned a lot from seeing what others were doing and how they took one idea and explored it. 


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