Catherine McDonald

My 100 days centred around continuing a previous 100 day challenge I had participated in. I was wanting to build up my body of work for a series I call PASSION.

Anyway I was delighted with what I achieved and how I had changed from the previous 100 day challenge. 

Making the fabric

I had to make more fabric – never a chore! Then I finished "Turning Point" which I had got stalled on with the stitching. 

Turning Point

I was thinking about the “Aotearoa Quilters Journey” challenge and looked at a piece I made in the first challenge but couldn’t quite decide how to quilt – the reason was I wasn’t happy with it. Therefore I took the rotary cutter to it and chopped it up and changed it round completely and the result was "Crucifixion".  


This led me to looking at my other part made pieces which I again cut up, added some pieces and then completed which resulted in “Making up”.

Making Up

I am thrilled with how my body of work is coming together and the impetus of the 100 day challenge to get me going again on this series. I have another piece I have cut up and rearranged which I am just starting to stitch. It will happen slowly but it something I can pick up and carry on with at my Thursday night stitch group if I have nothing else to do.
So for me it was a great success with 3 finished pieces and work continuing. I look forward to next years!

Catherine McDonald


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